Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On week old

Cristian is one week old today. This morning my mom took us to HEB for Cristian's first shopping trip. I figured if we went early the place would be empty and no one would try to touch him or anything. It was fun, too bad he slept through the whole thing! We also weighed him...well we weighed us while holding him...anyway he is back up to his birth weight and that made me feel good. I guess the breastfeeding is working. Cristian will have his first doctors appointment tomorrow. We are really happy with our pediatrician so I am excited to see him tomorrow. I guess he will confirm Cristian's weight and hopefully make me feel better about his health. Yep, I am still feeling uneasy. I guess it is a combo of the baby blues, lack of sleep, and overwelmingness of it all. I have cried more than a few times...mostly just because I am constantly worried. Worried that something bad will happen or Cristian will get sick and I won't see it until he is really sick etc. etc. Just silly worries that I should not be wasting my time with, but I can't help it.

When I was pregnant I kept telling my boss that I would be returning to work, because I have to. And yes, that hasn't changed, but I am now understanding what she meant when she said it would be harder than I thought. I am now looking 7 weeks from now when I have to leave him behind to return to work and I am already freaking out. I can not imagine how I am going to get through that. I now get what my boss was trying to tell me. One more thing I am worrying about. Can't I just win the lotto or something?

This was supposed to be positive, sorry. So the baby is cuter every day and makes these really funny faces when he sleeps and you can hear his farts from across the room. He is calm and sweet (except when you wipe his jewels during a diaper change...he doesn't like anyone near the jewels). When he is hungry and I can't get my shirt off quick enough, he moves his arms up and down with fists of fury (I call them angry arms) and barks at me (no cries, just little yells for me to move it along). He falls asleep when he eats and drools milk...it is really cute and makes me laugh everytime. Here is a picture of him in his visor. We added the cards, we thought the visor made him look like an old-fashioned card dealer from the wild wild west. I love this kid. What a cutie pie.


Li Li said...

OMG!! He is WAY cute! And that picure made me laugh out loud! I know what you mean about going back to work...it sucks...and I only went for a few hours at a time. But I will say that it is nice to get a "break". And that is what work becomes...a break, not so much work anymore! :)

I am glad that you guys are doing well. I think about you all everyday and I can't wait to see y'all!!!

Love, L

Jan said...

Oh momma! Way to go. He is muy precioso. (My husband would soooo love the photo of him holding cards!)

Don't tell you boss (wink, wink), but I am praying for a miracle....

Anonymous said...

Dear Stacey & Carlos,

I just can't wait to see Little Man. He is just adorable...Grammy D is so lucky to have him so close. It is very normal to worry..that is where prayer come in. To help you get thru the hard times and allow you to enjoy the Good Times. May God Bless You and Cristian.
Love Always,
Aunt Ellen

Mrs. H said...

What a cutie pie! I agree, going back to work sucks, but you can do it!
I think excessive worrying is just part of being a mommy. The hormones certainly don't make it any easier. Hang in there!!!